
How to successfully conquer the Amazon market

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At Your Amazon Partners, we’ve built a turnkey approach for companies to begin conquering the American and other Amazon markets.

In this article, we cover the different stages of the process and open up the division of labor between a client and our experts for a successful conquest.

  1. Analysis

We never publish customer products on Amazon without a thorough market analysis and Amazon strategy. From the customer’s point of view, the massive amount of data needed for these is collected and utilized easily:

  • The customer provides basic information about the products to be researched in advance and selects the Amazon market to be explored. Product descriptions can already be found on websites in many cases, so this step does not require the customer to make huge investments. We will ask more detailed questions at the opening meeting.


  • Our experts analyze the demand, margin, and competitive situation in the market for similar products. We explore the potential of the products in various Amazon markets and highlight key findings on the status and development of the product group. In addition, the data includes information on product features based on search terms and listings of well-selling competitors. For example, when the target product is a tent platform, we provide gold-worthy information on what kind of tent platforms the market wants. Examples of this include features such as “big”, “soft”, “foldable”, “waterproof”, and so on. We find out which of the customer’s product features are most relevant to the customer base in each market.


  • At the end of the analysis, we review the findings, documents, and our proposed Amazon strategy with the customer, clarifying the overall picture of market conquest with details. Should there be any further comments in the discussion regarding Amazon’s strategy, we will update the action plan as necessary. This way, the final decision to go to Amazon can be based on verified information, and the revenue and expense calculations are accurate.


  1. Opening an Amazon account, making listings, and delivering products to the Amazon warehouse

Once the analysis phase results have led to a decision to proceed with the strategy of selling on Amazon, the following steps will proceed.

  • Our specialists have experience in successfully opening multiple Amazon Seller Central accounts. We create an account based on the information provided by the customer. Amazon has recently introduced video conferencing to verify the account holder’s identity. For this purpose, we book the customer a half-hour meeting with Amazon. In that meeting, the passport photo is practically compared to the person’s face.


  • Creating Product Listings. YAP has experience in making dozens of product listings, so we are happy to handle this on behalf of the customer. We handle listings optimized for any Amazon market through our network, precisely targeting the customers who are most likely to buy your product. We also take care of product images and brand element localizations that stand out in that particular Amazon market if they need to be redesigned or modified. However, if the customer already has high-quality images of the products, all we have to do is edit the images to achieve the best Amazon conversion.


  • Packing and shipping products to Amazon. This is the stage where customer input is typically needed the most. The following must be ensured:
    • Packaging. In the case of a product whose packaging appears on product images (e.g., food), the labeling should preferably be in the target market’s language. In Germany, for example, German-language packaging sells best. However, this is not a rule carved in stone. If German-language packaging is not available, English-language ones will work well in many cases. However, we do not recommend packaging in Finnish.
    • Multi-product bundles. If the products are sold in quantity bundles, i.e., the same product in packs of five, for example, five products must be packed in the same package.
    • Amazon labels. Amazon requires an item label for each product and a carton label for each shipping box containing multiple products. We download both labels on behalf of the customer from their Amazon sales accounts, so the customer only needs to print them as stickers and glue them in place.
    • Warning labels. In some cases, warning labels must be attached to product packaging. This should be done, for example, when the product is heavy, or there is a risk of suffocation in the packaging. We will give the customer instructions on adding the required labels.


  1. Product marketing, listing development, and customer service

After the products’ arrival, all remaining steps can be outsourced to our Amazon Partners team. On behalf of the customer, we handle the marketing of products inside and outside Amazon, the development of listings, and the customer service required by Amazon. The customer only needs to send additional items to the Amazon warehouse upon notification by our contact person.

As you can see from the description above, our Amazon Partners team accounts for a large share of the workload, about 90–95%. We take care of the customer throughout the process, so the customer doesn’t have to be an Amazon expert. You can be sure that we will handle your Amazon sales well and reliably.

If you have any questions about the process described in this article or otherwise about Amazon sales, please contact us. With us, you don’t have to guess!