
Clearing your road to Amazon: In the e-commerce jungle, taming the Amazon algorithm guarantees the best sales

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This series of articles is based on numerous discussions and experiences with our customers from various industries. We’ll go through topics that make business decision-makers think when they consider accelerating international growth through Amazon e-commerce sales.

In the first part of the article series, the customer considered launching international digital product sales to ensure future growth. He searched for information and compared setting up his own e-commerce and utilizing the Amazon e-commerce platform. It was clear that getting enough demand for products would be the most expensive investment. Demand and the opportunity to expand into more markets were the most cost-effective available on Amazon. The customer ended up clearing the way to Amazon with the help of Your Amazon Partners.

The second part of the article series launched the mapping and design phase of the Amazon project. Based on the data and analyzes produced by YAP, the customer gained a comprehensive understanding of the following:

  • What are their most potential and attractive products for different Amazon markets
  • What is the sales forecast for these products
  • How much margin could you expect from different Amazon markets
  • How the customer should handle logistics, and what would be its cost
  • How large a batch of products should be shipped to Amazon stocks in the target market and how often stocks should be replenished

In addition, the customer gained more understanding of market priorities, strategy, and the necessary marketing measures and budget. This was all put together into a clear plan of action. After the customer showed the green light to move forward, it was time to roll up their sleeves and start taking concrete steps to clear the road to Amazon.

Pre-sale measures in the e-commerce jungle

At the beginning of the second phase, the customer produced inventory items to be delivered to Amazon stocks in the target market and ordered new product packaging. This ensured that the products were on the market on time to start selling on Amazon.

The work of Your Amazon Partners focused on managing Amazon. YAP set up seller Central accounts for the customer in various markets, and started brand and product registrations. YAP also produced product listings for different markets in their languages, as once the products were delivered to Amazon stocks in the target market, their launch would begin. This was an essential step as the goal was to start product sales and order delivery to end customers by Amazon within 24 hours.

The launch and optimization of product listings in the e-commerce jungle begins

During the launch phase, all the work planned and carried out in advance by YAP and the customer during the launch phase culminated. Already the first hours during the launch were full of excitement. However, the excitement would continue for the next 2-3 weeks, as organic sales would have to grow and product orders would take off. Amazon’s algorithm helped.

The launch of the so-called sales boost phase when the Amazon algorithm favors new product listings for 2–3 weeks. At this point, YAP monitors and optimizes product listings daily to maximize organic sales and to ensure that the algorithm favors product listings even after the sales boost phase is over.

This was a vital and exciting time in the collaboration between the customer and YAP. During the optimization, both Amazon internal and external marketing campaigns were operated. They were used to gain maximum visibility for the brand and products and to direct as much customer traffic as possible to product listings.

In the e-commerce jungle, it pays to track the sales of your competitors

YAP’s Amazon experts closely monitored product sales and reacted quickly as competitors optimized their own product listings. The customer and the YAP team were pleased to find that the products would receive sufficient organic sales and that the planned sales forecast would materialize.

Sales in a few European markets fell short of expectations, but this was offset by strong demand in the American market. For the two underperforming European markets, the measures were clear: stocks would not be replenished in the coming months, but they would be driven to match sales and additional batches would be delivered according to current sales.

The customer was relieved and hopeful. The well-started sales showed that production capacity and staff should be increased in the future.

Next, it was time for the customer to move to using Your Amazon Partners ’ongoing growth and development service, where the profitability of Amazon sales is built on a long-term basis. The measure had been agreed between the first and second phases, when both parties had a clear picture of the customer’s Amazon sales and its potential.

The following article looks at how YAP’s experts helped the client company launch phase three, which is to grow Amazon sales and integrate ongoing resource-saving services into the business.


Read the first part of the article series: Clearing your road to Amazon: How to get started in the e-commerce jungle?

Read the second part of the article series: Clearing your road to Amazon: Analysis, mapping, and an action plan ensure a successful research trip to the e-commerce jungle